Occasionally I see the disbelief in the eyes of my students as I say ” Let’s try that exercise one more time.”
We had already done it five times, why one more time?
I explain, “If I don’t like what you’re doing, I’ll get you to do it again…only differently. No point in practising the wrong thing. If I like what you’re doing, I’ll get you to do it again and again…and again. That way you become familiar with the new response. You need to create a new muscle memory of your success. ”
Your voice is a muscle. A muscle that needs to be strengthened. The more you use it the stronger it gets.
Consider the marathon runner. If he didn’t practise everyday in anticipation of the race his muscles, body, and inner self wouldn’t remember what to do when the important day arrived.
I train your vocal muscles the same way. No you won’t always use your voice with the same intensity as when we exercise it. Vocal training helps your vocal muscles to strengthen in order to be there when you need it most. Healthy practise makes that happen. You will be able to sing or speak with confidence, credibility and consistency as you build your muscle memory.
Here is a tip for you: Read out loud every day.
Many of you may be in jobs where you sit in front of a computer day in and day out. You never talk. You need to use your voice or you will lose it. It’s that simple. Find one of your favorite books. Read it out loud. Listen to yourself. Experiment with different sounds, tempo , rhythm and emotion. Listen to yourself. Record yourself. Listen to yourself.
You may not like what you hear. That’s okay. Your voice can change. Not sure how to get started. Contact me.
Suggested readings:
The Life of Pi by Yann Martel
page 167 one of my favorite description’s of Richard Parker the Tiger
Read Aloud Rhymes selected by Jack Prelutsky. ( More about this book in my next post)
Harry Potter books by J. K. Rowling ( Have fun taking on the role of different characters)